12 April 2008

Waiting for Shahab

Remember that NIE that said that Iran wasn't pursuing nuclear weapons?

I was reading The Corner at National Review this morning, and saw a post by Jonah Goldberg linking to an article in the London Times here.

Why would Iran be developing a ballistic missile capability to hit Europe if it wasn't to mount a nuclear warhead? I would guess that this generation of missile probably has a CEP around 1000m or so, way to inaccurate for conventional warheads. I also can't say if mounting a chemical or biological warhead on one of these would make sense either.

Plus, the Iranians continue to enrich Uranium, and are expanding their capability.

09 April 2008

The seeds are in

Planted 'em and poured a little water over them.

Now I just have to wait.

08 April 2008

Tomato Watch: Day Zero.. uhh negative one? two??

So I've decided to plant some tomatoes, from seed, and apparently I'm late to the party already. I was talking to some green thumbs at work and they mentioned I should have started weeks ago.


Anyway I shall forge onward and attempt to get something to eat before August. I've bought, quite foolishly, a 36 cell greenhouse kit that I found at home depot when I was looking for pots and such. Usually I research such things, but I wanted to try to start from seed this year so... I thought, why not?

The types are:

Tommy Toe Cherry Tomato
Bucks County Tomato
Yellow Pear Cherry Tomato

I've got four twelve inch pots at the ready to take maybe two plants each? People I've talked to said that should be ok. I might also get some extra pots and try to grow one at work since I have a window that gets lots of sun.....