31 July 2007

Vegetarian Cooking

As my wife is a vegetarian, and I a unabashed omnivore, there is a bit of tension when it comes to dinner. No, she doesn't mind me eating meat, well not so much mind as tolerate. Anyway, the point is that I end up doing most of the cooking. However, I am too lazy to cook two different dinners every night and I usually just do something that we both can eat.

The problem is that there isn't anything out there that matches the texture and flavor of meat. Yeah I know about tofu and all that but, its just not the same to my palate. I'd love to do something like a chicken parmagian, but what to replace the chicken with?

Anyway, something to think about.

So much for good intentions

Yeah I'm still alive (not that I think anybody thought otherwise)

Lots of changes in my personal life, etc.

Problem is that I tend to be more of a blog reader instead of a contributer. Probably should go for more small thoughts, more of a instapundit kind of style.

Hrm, since I have lots of time on my hands at the moment, might try to do this.