24 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

Peace on earth and goodwill to men.

Christ the savior is born!

17 June 2009

Obama's quote on Iran

Obama says that he, "understands the Iranian people have deep concerns about the election."

Oh dear, he really doesn't get this, does he? Imagine Churchill said something like this in the early days of the second World War. That he understood that the Polish people had deep concerns about the German army invading from the west, and the Russian army from the east? Yeah, I've heard the line that he is trying to look like he's not interfering in internal Iranian politics, or that the next leader of Iran won't be any different, but it doesn't excuse the incredibly weak language. Its like you are an upset customer, and Obama, the service rep repeats, yeah I understand. You know nothing is going to be done, and worse you know he knows that you know, or something like that. Aren't we proud of our political traditions and the right to vote? Couldn't he have said something affirmative about our belief in liberty? You can be cagey, and still give support.

08 June 2009

I've discovered Twitter

I'd probably blog more, but I keep on find other things to see/do/read.

Now I can spend endless hours going through all the tweets of the people I now follow.

I think I need to clone myself.

Damn you technology! (but I still like you...)

TOTUS interview

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Teleprompter of the United States:

(ht: Jim Geraghty)

17 May 2009

Pelosiku I

The Cuckoo sings in spring

I was not informed!

Of those other eggs.

(edit: Hrm, I think thats better)

05 May 2009

Green Box

I was browsing Amazon and came across this link to this:


28 April 2009


Model Rocket hobbyist Steve Eves' model Saturn V (ht: Instapundit)